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Screening Services

Cervical Smear

Annascaul Health Centre is registered with and this allows us to provide free cervical smear tests to ladies between the ages of 25 – 65 who are eligible.  You must contact cervical check to enquire about your eligibility for the free cervical smear.  

To register with Cervical Check and to check your eligibility please click on the link below:

Register with CervicalCheck –

Currently women aged between 25-29 are due a smear every 3 years and then every 5 years from age 30-65.

Breast Check

Breast Check is Ireland’s National Breast Screening Programme.  Breast screening is where a mammogram (an x-ray of the breast) is used to detect abnormalities in the breast. Breast check calls women for mammograms every two years. This service is available to all women aged 50 to 69. If breast cancer is found early, it is easier to treat and a woman has a higher chance of a good recovery. No screening tool is 100 per cent effective and breast screening dose not find all breast cancers, but screening in other countries has been shown to lower the number of women dying from breast cancer, and these lives are saved because cancers are diagnosed and treated earlier than they would have been without screening. 

In Ireland BreastCheck invites eligible women for their free mammogram every two year years.

For more information and to register for this programme please use click on the link below:
HTTPS://WWW.BREASTCHECK.IE for more information and to register for this programme.

Bowel Screen

Bowel Screen is  the National Bowel Screening Programme. Bowel screening can detect changes in the bowel before cancer develops. It can also detect cancer at an early stage, making it more treatable.

Bowel Screen offers a free home test to men and women aged 60 to 69 every two years. The quick and easy to use test is non-invasive and can be done in your own home. Please visit HTTPS://WWW.BOWELSCREEN.IE for more information and to register for this programme.